Day 17 – Puzzle 49


ആദ്യം കളിക്കുന്നയാൾ ആദ്യത്തെ നാണയം മേശയുടെ ഒത്ത നടുവിൽ വയ്ക്കുക. പിന്നീടുള്ള നാണയങ്ങൾ രണ്ടാമത്തെയാൾ വയ്ക്കുന്ന നാണയത്തിന്റെ നേർ എതിർവശത്തു (വൃത്താകൃതിയിലുള്ള മേശയുടെ വ്യാസ രേഖയുടെ മറു അറ്റത്തു ) വയ്ക്കുക. ഈപ്രകാരം തുടർന്ന് കളിച്ചാൽ തീർച്ചയായും ജയിക്കാം..

The first player keeps the coin exactly at the centre. From his second move onwards, the first player shall place a coin diametrically opposite to the coin placed by the second player. In this way, he will ensure that he will never lose it.

Best Explanation : ADITH SANKAR

The first player can always win with a simple strategy: place a coin at the center of the table on their first turn.
This strategy ensures that no matter where the second player places their coin, the first player can always mirror that placement across the center coin. Since the table is round and the coins are identical, the mirror image of any placement will always be valid.
Therefore, the first player can always respond to the second player’s move and eventually force the second player into a position where they cannot place a coin without violating the rules of the game. Thus, the first player wins.”
Best ExplanationADITH SANKAR

First 10 Correct Answers

Sl NoPrimaryHigh SchoolOthers
2Niwin Varghese MathewsADITH SANKARUmesh P Narendran
3Nishan dYashika. VArjun J
4_Bewin Wilson MathewsAnusha Ramesh. V
5__Misha ks

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